code OSC-0043338 brand Garmin

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OnDeck, the new remote connectivity system for your boat. Download the free ActiveCaptain® app to monitor onboard battery status, bilge activity, boat tracking, and much more, and to receive alarms that notify you on sensor status change (door, temperature, voltage and relay); you will even control the system connected switches. In short a total monitoring of your boat virtually anywhere.For more information on the service or to cancel your subscription see:

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OnDeck, the new remote connectivity system for your boat. Download the free ActiveCaptain® app to monitor onboard battery status, bilge activity, boat tracking, and much more, and to receive alarms that notify you on sensor status change (door, temperature, voltage and relay); you will even control the system connected switches. In short a total monitoring of your boat virtually anywhere.

For more information on the service or to cancel your subscription see:

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