code OSC-0035489 brand Shurhold Industries

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The system includes:A) UV-resistant plastic bucket with 19-mm Ø nylon rope handle.B) Special non-skid, UV-resistant, floating base. It prevents scratches on the deck.C) Bucket seat/lid.D) Bucket caddy to store cleaning products.E) Bucket grid for drying and storing natural and synthetic chamois leather cloths, sponges, etc.-

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The system includes:
A) UV-resistant plastic bucket with 19-mm Ø nylon rope handle.
B) Special non-skid, UV-resistant, floating base. It prevents scratches on the deck.
C) Bucket seat/lid.
D) Bucket caddy to store cleaning products.
E) Bucket grid for drying and storing natural and synthetic chamois leather cloths, sponges, etc.

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